Brand Strategy and Design

Matthew’s Choice

Project Scope:

Brand Position / Brand Naming / Brand Identity System Design / Brand Packaging Design and Guidelines / Brand Shop Concept and Guidelines / Videos / Website

The brand that opened the premium Greek yogurt market in Taiwan.

Matthew’s Choice is a seminal work for GIDEA GROUP, being the first brand we were able to work on, from the brand position, brand naming, identity design, packaging design, store concept and design, website and layout designs. We are very thankful for being entrusted at the time from Matthew’s Choice founder Matthew Wang to work on his startup, and amazed by how far the brand has not only grew, but changed the yogurt culture of Taiwan.

馬修嚴選對我們來說是很重要的一個作品,因為它是我們第一個從零開始參與整體規劃與建構的品牌。從品牌的定位、命名、識別系統、包裝設計與風格設定、店面風格設定、網站、影片⋯⋯ 整體的去為一個好的產品說故事。感謝創辦人Matthew先生給我們機會參與,也很開心看到這個品牌對台灣優格產業所帶來的改變與創新。